Even if you’ve been out of the running game for a while, you can still record a solid 10K time with a little motivation and planning. Above you’ll find the framework for a three-month running plan to help you run great. First, check out this list of definitions to make sense of it all:
- Recovery Day (Rec) – This is your day off, but it doesn’t mean be a couch potato. Stay active, and try performing some light stretching and self-massage for your muscles.
- Hill Running (HR) – Choose a running route that offers more hills to mix up your routine.
- Race Pace (RP) – The fastest pace that you can maintain for the entirety of your run. You can approximate your race pace by running at a healthy speed for a short distance—a couple kilometers, for example.
- 400 Repeats (Rep) – This interval training drill will work your cardiovascular system and improve the way your body uses energy. To perform the drill, walk or jog slowly for 400 meters. Then run slightly faster than your race pace for 400 meters. Repeat this pattern, alternating between fast and slow.
As part of your training, spend a few minutes before each run warming up with a dynamic stretching routine. () After each session, cool down with stretches and self-massage, and then reach for a post-workout shake or snack. These strategies will help you avoid injury and maximize results.
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