



I am looking for polarized sunglasses that are highly rated and are not expensive. Any ideas? -Jack Carmel, CA

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Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner plans to jump out of a balloon gondola 23 miles above the earth, breaking the altitude record for skydiving and becoming the first free-falling human to reach the speed of sound. Dangerous? Only if his parachutes fail, he's killed by shock waves, or he starts spinning so fast that his brain snaps loose from its st

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There's nothing wrong with my game. It's you that's the problem.

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Over in Germany, water sliding is serious sport. Hiking up their Speedos, athletes of all shapes have learned how to top 50 miles per hour with only the occasional bloody nose and forehead stitches. This I had to try.


Paris is romantic, cultured, and sophisticated—and teeming with rollerblading fanatics? An investigation into France's most mysterious obsession.

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After a brief tutorial at rodeo-clown school, our man steps into the world's most terrifying ring.

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You stand on a 300-foot cliff and think, “Mommy!” Ted Davenport stands there and thinks, “Sick air!” The difference, neuroscientists are finding, may lie in the very anatomy of our minds.


This simple formula is seemingly impossible to master. So how does Kelly Slater do it year after year? And how can you?


With Kelly Slater as his chief ambassador, SoCal surf legend Dorian "Doc" Paskowitz had a plan to teach the kids of Israel and Palestine how to get barreled—and bring peaceful vibes to the Middle East along the way. Of course that was before the Hamas supporters, the hashish, and the paparazzi got in the way.


Put down that dumbell and pay attention: Your eyes need training, too. Upgrade this all-important organ with our complete guide to better vision.

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Boxing drills aren't just for pugs anymore—they'll jump-start your fitness for mountain biking, paddling, climbing, and more

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How to see your stomping grounds as a concrete jungle.


 ϳԹ magazine, October 1995 The Ubergirl Cometh The age of Gabrielle Reece is upon us. She’s big, she’s strong, and with thousands more like her out there, she’s replicating fast. Can you deal with that?…

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The Fountain of Youth is a myth. But take heart: Intelligent training and an adventurous spirit will keep you running, kicking, screaming at the peak of your potential for years to come.


Twice a year, the good men of Scotland's Orkney Islands work out their issues the old-fashioned way. They riot.


An ice-climbing trip to Scotland—land of rain, sleet, and mad outdoorsmen—brings new respect for the sport's big-hearted pioneers


Science is sprinting toward the super-enhanced athlete. Say hello to tomorrow's inhuman being.


A crash course in old-growth tree climbing (it's tree hugging's rambunctious younger sibling). Wanna come out and have some deep fun?


New School Skiing is teaching good old hotdogging some radical new tricks

All recreational sport is really quite simple: You run. You jump. You throw. What's more, it's pretty easy to get good at these things.


In the 500 dusty years of refined yet raw Spanish ritual, one young matador stands quite apart from the others
