ArchiveWe lose a lot by limiting sizes
Naming your favorite outdoor gear is more complicated than you'd think
Patagonia's Christie Fong divulges why the outdoors is such a major part of her life
While dams are being decommissioned throughout the developed world, activists are descending on Albania to fight for the Vjosa River.
With an environmentally friendly firefighting gel called Strong Water
From filmmaker Marko Roth, Together is a travel film from his trip 1,200-mile journey through Patagonia.
These companies keep women front and center, whether their leaders are making comfy clothes for the trail or empowering the next generation of girls
At USU, students in the country’s first program for gear designers aren’t just learning how to sew a bestselling jacket. They’re being groomed to lead the industry’s next big political and environmental fights.
Brands, activists, and politicians gathered at the start of the Outdoor Retailer trade show to rally around public lands
Uberlight and able to take moisture in stride, a new breed of synthetic down is changing the winter jacket for good
Hopefully after reading this, you'll never buy luggage without two shoulder straps again
Your old Carhartts are now fashionable, and outdoor brands are taking note
A simple, well-thought-out design makes this pack worthy of a place in your gear closet
A good hat will keep your kids happy on the ski hill
The intensifying war between Republicans and Patagonia could now move to Capitol Hill—exactly where the outdoor industry could make the most impact
The charities suing the Trump administration to save Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments—and how you can help
The GOP tax-reform package will save companies billions. But it likely came at the cost of Bears Ears, Grand Staircase-Escalante, and ANWR.
REI and the North Face have joined the Ventura-based gear maker in standing up for our public lands
The outdoor industry has been a fierce advocate for the now-decimated national monument—but it may have been too little, too late
The fight over Utah's Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments is just getting started
For those who are always on the road—or just like to keep their closet spartan—we built an outfit that works as well on Friday as it did last Monday.
The stuff we want, on sale
REI’s winter sale features excellent products at rock-bottom prices
We weigh in on our favorite shoulder-season shirts and jackets
Repairs, cheap gear, and no BS
Both brands just built websites that will help people shop for pre-owned products
Jean production is resource intensive and sometimes toxic—but it doesn't have to be
Two and a half years after opening his unique, B-Corp certified mountain town shop, Travis Underwood, owner of Chopwood Mercantile, is considering getting out. With his big ideas on how to move the bar for specialty retail, was he too far ahead of his time? Here, he offers lessons learned and some ideas on how to revitalize retail
Doug Peacock, Mark Allen, Kris Tompkins, Shaun White, Lynn Hill, Lindsey Vonn, Yvon Chouinard, Conrad Anker, and Laird Hamilton reflect on their passions and their lives outside
We reviewed two of the most cutting-edge sun-fighting pieces to find out how well they work
Why you should pay more attention to that thing that keeps your pants from falling down
The newest version is well-designed, flattering, and dries within 20 minutes. Get a few pairs for the whole family, and you won't need to think about your summer adventure outfit ever again.
I returned to this windswept corner of Patagonia with news that mountain bike access to Torres del Paine’s hallowed trails had been negotiated by local Punta Arenas based guide Javier Aguilar.
We wanted to see how the company's new work wear stacked up against the competition
The animal-rights group is claiming once again that sheep were harmed under Patagonia’s watch. But according to the apparel brand, it had cut ties with the company before any abuse took place.
Our writer visited the 10,000-square-foot facility in Ventura, California, home to thousands of products-cum-talismans, and came away with more than just an appreciation for the brand's gear heritage
This summer marks Outdoor Retailer’s 35 birthday. To celebrate, we unearthed 15 fun facts you probably never knew about our industry’s biggest show
Honnold is known for his minimalism, both in climbing and in life. But there are couple items he deems essential.
The women at Wylder Goods had a big dream: to create the world's first online outdoor-gear retailer for women, bust into an industry overrun by bros, and save the planet. All in four not-so-easy steps.
A 10,000-square-foot facility not far from the Hells Angels’ Ventura, California, headquarters—a former food canning operation, the address of which I am not to reveal—houses the Patagonia Archives, a project recently launched by the clothing company to chronicle its storied past.
Made with novel skin-gripping fabric, the brand's newest swimwear promises to stick, no matter what
For hitting the beach, the trail, and everything in between
Outdoor companies are benefitting from opening their own retail brand stores across the country. But is their move into brick-and-mortar good for independent specialty shops, too?
The best adventures are too wet, dirty, and cumbersome to contain—unless you've got the right luggage
Patagonia nailed the details on their first sleeping bag, from the bivy-friendly front zipper to the roomy footbox and ethically sourced down.
Behind-the-scenes with the company's efforts to make sure kids—and parents—are valued at the office
The company is urging thousands of Utah voters to call the state's governor in support of the new monument
With the weight of the entire U.S. Government bearing down on them, the Gwich'in people gather together to restore their unified heartbeat.
'Tales of the Wild' explores the stories of four men who are authentically wild. In episode 2, Gaucho, Jakob Von Plessen opens up about his calling to the life of a Gaucho.
It could be the key to making the industry more sustainable, but it's also (unsurprisingly) difficult to convince manufacturers to share their R&D finds. Which is where Patagonia comes in.
A new film from pro snowboarder Alex Yoder takes viewers to northeastern Turkey, where locals have been snowboarding for centuries.
With the growing divide between conserving wild places and the farms that grow our food, Chris Malloy and Patagonia Provisions created a bridge with "Unbroken Ground".
'Douglas Tompkins: A Wild Legacy' is a film about the life, work, and passions of The North Face and Esprit co-founder Douglas Tompkins
Fueled by yerba mate, a five-man production team traveled 16,000 km by car and more than 500 km on foot through Argentina and Chile to capture Patagonia in impressive 4K resolution.
Kristine and Doug Tompkins lived a life of adventure and risk uncommon to most couples. They also helped to protect millions of acres of land in Chile and Argentina. Following her husband's death, Kristine now faces the daunting challenge of creating six new national parks without him.
In this excerpt from the 2013 book ‘Climbing Fitz Roy, 1968: Reflections on the Lost Photos of the Third Ascent,’ the late cofounder of the North Face, Doug Tompkins, reflects on his pivotal journey to Patagonia as a young dirtbag
It's a different kind of nostalgia when you're out in the backcountry (or out of the country) and trying to preserve the holiday spirit—but these adventurers did their best and lived to tell the tale
Your local outdoor retailer probably doesn’t carry this stuff. But it should.
North Face co-founder Doug Tompkins has an ambitious goal: to donate 12 national parks in Chile and Argentina
Good for the conscience, great for the surf
The pro traveler needs cutting-edge survival gear as he explorers the farthest reaches of the planet. And his favorite place to play might surprise you. (Hint: It’s in the Midwest.)
Take in the views of Monte Fitz Roy after taking on the challenges of Patagonia.
On the 100th anniversary of Ernest Shackleton's legendary expedition, a writer retraces the explorer's steps to one of the cruelest, most gorgeous wildernesses on earth.
Activists have brought down five proposed dam projects on two Patagonian rivers. What does this mean for one of the world's wildest and most iconic regions?
If the thought of seeing a real life march of the penguins gives you happy feet, then you’re in luck. There are actually a number of places you can witness the exultant event, and they’re not all in Antarctica. Although the earth’s icy, southernmost continent does contain a number of…
Desertification is out of control, but there may be a way to stop it
If you plan to get out in an inflatable this season, you’re probably going to have a great time regardless of what body of water you’re cruising. But if you’re looking for the biggest thrills and the most excitement, consider this your go-to list.
Globe-trotters: we've got you covered. Our 2012 Travel Awards honor the best destinations on seven continents—everything from idyllic beach escapes to camping safaris in Kenya to a mountain-bike expedition in Tibet. Plus: ϳԹ-endorsed outfitters, adventure insurance, and more.
A coffee-table photography book of the world’s greatest adventurers and the places they tackled.
We’ve been tracking the adventure travel world for more than three decades. Our latest discovery? The planet is more wide open for exploration than ever. Whether you want to raft an unknown Himalayan river or link a few Colorado peaks in your own backyard, we have…
Steph Davis knows the downside of being one of the world’s best women climbers: like living out of a car for seven years and having your mom suggest (frequently) that you’re out of your mind. The upside? Yosemite. The Andes. And a life in which every day is a thrilling vertical grab.