ArchiveAfraid to open a bottle with your teeth or the flesh of your forearm? You can still impress your friends by using the outdoor gear/bottle openers below. We definitely don't recommend using the sandles on a first date if you've worn them around town. Opena iPhone 4 Case: This…
What are the best adventure gifts for a shopper on a budget?
Struggling to find a gift for the guy who has everything? Or perhaps you've been an exceptionally good boy this year, and you'd like to reward yourself. Either way, we rounded up a few of our favorite things, price be damned. A word of caution: while the list starts out…
Stand Up Paddleboarding—SUPing—started as a way for surfers to train when there weren't any waves. SUP paddling kept surfer's arms strong, their balance intact, and their 12-pack abs well defined. That was then. Now, much to our continued…
Courtesy of Chris Korbulic In late 2010, a team of kayakers including Chris Korbulic, Ben Stookesbury, and Hendrik Coetzee set off to notch first descents on the upper tributaries of the Congo River. On December 7, while paddling the Lukuga River in the Democratic Republic…
Our favorite flicks from Canada’s premier adventure film fest
Love the idea of modeling, but don't have time for the agents, the makeup trailers, the long days on set in Hollywood? Send in a photo of yourself stripped down to your favorite Smartwool layer and a one sentence write up of what inspired you to do…
By Patrick Symmes, Guest Blogger Taking a child kayaking is the easy part—kids and water mix well. But like trout, kayaks only thrive in beautiful places, and that means hard driving and long going. Kids don't always deal with a long drive as well as a wet splash. Passing through…
For those of you adverse to getting into a sleeping bag with with mud caked on your legs, dirty and tired from a day in the woods, here’s a piece of gear will prevent that pre-sleep complaining. New Hampshire based Nemo plans to release its new Helio…
What's SUP San Juan? It always takes a little while to get into the flow of a river trip, but I know I’m there when, on a recent Saturday night in early September, I find myself sitting on a sandbar, margarita in hand,…
I'm moving to Great Lakes region and I'm looking for a kayak that's easy to maneuver and cheap.
Tonight, Patagonia and eBay announced a new partnership, the Common Threads Initiative. Together, they asked owners of fleece and Gore-Tex everywhere to pledge to reduce consumption, reuse old gear, recycle, repair what's broken, and reimagine a world where people don't stress the earth with…
From farm shares to bike shares, these seven flashes of genius are reinventing a metropolis near you
On wind-blasted San Francisco Bay, a crew of hardcore rowers dodges freighters and fog banks for kicks. They are mostly women over 40. And they will destroy you.
If you tell people that you’ve taken teensy, just-born babies out on the water—be it in a raft, a sailboat, or a 15-horsepower runabout—invariably, the first question you’ll get is, “They make lifejackets that small?” Yes, in fact, they do. But not all infant PFDs are created equal. When our… Polar explorer Jock Wishart and a crew of five are closing in on their attempt to row 450 miles to the north magnetic pole. It's probably worth getting this out of the way up front. The journey is to the…
There are bazillion iPad cases out there. Some are great, some are crappy, and many are in the middle: they look cool but offer little in the way of actual protection. That's where these three cases come in. If you're looking to take your iPad along on your next serious…
Freestyle kayaker Dane Jackson grew up on the river, living out of his family’s RV and trying to keep up with his peripatetic, four-time world champion super-daddy Eric Jackson. Back in 2007, when I hung out with the Jacksons at their home in Rock Island, Tennessee, while reporting a …
A limited-edition carbon fiber stand-up paddleboard designed by the best in ocean sailing
We just got word that kayakers Ben Stookesberry and Chris Korbulic poached the first descent of Falls Creek, into Hetch Hetchy Reservoir. The reservoir, which provides drinking water to San Francisco, is off limits. Should they have done it? Tell us what you think…
By Katie Arnold Dane, Eric and Emily Jackson shoulder their kayaks as their dog, Roxy, follows close behind near their home in Rock Island, TN. (©Corey Rich/ & his prodigal spawn, Rock Island, TN photo: Corey Rich/Aurora Images With four world championships…
The magazine-style website Bomb Flow just released their first completely free, monthly episode of kayaking porn. This 25-minute online video (the first two minutes is time lapse travel footage) is shot on Class V rivers near Pucon, Chile: the Carhuello, the Palguin, the Nevado, and…
Here are two water videos to kick off what looks to be a hot weekend across much of the U.S.. The first is from Shasta Boyz productions. It's the seventh of seven trailers leading up to their new film, Slippery When Wet. This time the featured athlete…
Admit that you’re taking your 10-month-old baby rafting and most people will look at you like that’s the craziest idea they’ve ever heard. And between the water and the wilderness, it can seem majorly daunting to pull off a DIY river trip with young children in tow. But…
(Noa Ginella on his way to 1st place in the SUP cross.) Last week I went to the Teva Mountain Games in Vail, Colorado, to standup paddleboard in whitewater rapids. It’s hard to explain why whitewater SUPing is so…
Hi, my name is Katie and today I'm launching this blog, Raising Rippers, about bringing up adventurous, outdoor kids. Before our first daughter, Pippa (that's her below), was born, a friend of mine gave me the best parenting advice I’ve ever gotten: Start off as you mean to go on.
Over the last few weeks we've updated our blog with some of the gnarliest whitewater videos on the web. It's time to switch up the paddling footage, just a bit. Here's a highlight from a freestyle canoeing festival, straight out of the… American Rivers, the country’s foremost river focused nonprofit, released their annual list of the top ten endangered rivers yesterday. It marks the 26th year American Rivers has released the report, drawing attention to some 360…
Canada’s Ellesmere Island, a 75,000-square-mile chunk of ice and rock off Greenland’s southwest coast, has never been circumnavigated. Two men hope to change that fact. Three days ago, 26-year-old photographer Erik Boomer and 65-year-old writer John Turk kicked off…
You would think kayakers all over would be chomping at the bit after watching record precipitation build up in California—58 feet of snow at Squaw Valley! The reality is, the summer of 2011 may be the worst for high Sierra paddling California has…
We've got your all-access pass to summer: 21 DIY and outfitted adventures guaranteed to recharge for less than $500*. Just pick oneor fiveand leave your lawnmower behind. *Transportation not included
Toketee Falls, North Umpqua River, Oregon, April 17, 2011 I grew up two hours from the 65-foot Tokatee Falls on Oregon's North Umpqua River. It's one of those waterfalls that I've always wanted to kayak, but the flow has never been right—always too high or…
Ocean rower and environmental campaigner Roz Savage halted her attempt to row across the Indian Ocean this week after experiencing problems with her desalination unit flooded. She was only 100 miles into her 4,000-mile journey from Freemantle, Australia, to Mumbai, India.
Looking for a domestic weekend escape with international flair? Pack a bag and head for Miami. The city, known for beaches, beautiful people, and wild nightlife, has plenty of adventure options. Paddle: The obvious choice would be to paddle around South Beach (…
Shasta Boyz productions just released the fourth of seven trailers in their series Slippery When Wet. Ben Stookesberry, the 32-year-old pro kayaker, is the focus this time. Watch Stookesberry paddle record high water on Idaho's Payette River and race down…
Shasta Boyz productions just released the fourth of seven trailers in their series Slippery When Wet. Ben Stookesberry, the 32-year-old pro kayaker, is the focus this time. Watch Stookesberry paddle record high water on Idaho's Payette River and race down…
Kayaker Chris Korbulic blogs from South America as he films an expedition for the South American paddling show Kaiak. His previous posts can be found here, here, and here.
Looking for a domestic weekend escape with international flair? Pack a bag and head for Miami. The city has a rep for beaches, beautiful people, and wild nightlife, but that’s not all it has. Presenting the top five adventures in Miami. The Party Circuit: Like I said, there’s…
Kayaker Chris Korbulic blogs from South America as he films an expedition for the South American paddling show Kaiak. His previous posts can be found here, here, and here.
Kayakers Evan Garcia and Fred Norquist, both recently featured in our Exposure section, just released a preview of a video series the whitewater-focused Bomb Flow Magazine will host. Every month, the pair plans to…
Kayakers Evan Garcia and Fred Norquist, both recently featured in our Exposure section, just released a preview of a video series the whitewater-focused Bomb Flow Magazine will host. Every month, the pair plans to…
Outdoor camp First Descents has released a 2011 camp schedule packed with new adventure opportunities. Founded in 2000 by pro kayaker Brad Ludden, First Descents brings outdoor adventure…
Outdoor camp First Descents has released a 2011 camp schedule packed with new adventure opportunities. Founded in 2000 by pro kayaker Brad Ludden, First Descents brings outdoor adventure…
Sarah Outen, Photo by Nigel Millard Two years ago today, 25-year-old English adventurer Sarah Outen set out to row the Indian Ocean solo, becoming the first and only woman to do so when she finished in August 2009. Today, she's…
Sarah Outen, Photo by Nigel Millard Two years ago today, 25-year-old English adventurer Sarah Outen set out to row the Indian Ocean solo, becoming the first and only woman to do so when she finished in August 2009. Today, she's…
The Grand Canyon. Courtesy of Wikimedia The paddling community is rallying behind a federal effort to issue a moratorium on new uranium mining claims in Northern Arizona, according to Among other organizations involved,…
The Grand Canyon. Courtesy of Wikimedia The paddling community is rallying behind a federal effort to issue a moratorium on new uranium mining claims in Northern Arizona, according to Among other organizations involved,…
Kayaker Chris Korbulic blogs from South America as he films an expedition for the South American paddling show Kaiak. His previous posts can be found here, here, and here.
Kayaker Chris Korbulic blogs from South America as he films an expedition for the South American paddling show Kaiak. His previous posts can be found here, here, and here.
We're wishing Tyler Bradt the best. According to his Facebook page, he injured his spine on Oregon's Abiqua Creek yesterday. Bradt's L1 was pulled apart and he has surgery in the morning. The surgeon says he can expect 12 weeks of recovery time. “I'll be back on the river sooner…
We're wishing Tyler Bradt the best. According to his Facebook page, he injured his spine on Oregon's Abiqua Creek yesterday. Bradt's L1 was pulled apart and he has surgery in the morning. The surgeon says he can expect 12 weeks of recovery time. “I'll be back on the river sooner…
Winter Highlights from SB Productions on Vimeo. If you're looking for some good kayaking footage, check out Aniol Sarrasolses latest short which features footage from recent trips to Romania, Portugal, Mexico, and France. The 19-year-old began paddling when he was twelve years old and in the last…
Kayaker Chris Korbulic blogs from South America as he films an expedition for the South American paddling show Kaiak. Ben on the fence in Roraima, Photo by Chris Korbulic The road…
Slippery When Wet: Drew Duval from Shon Bollock on Vimeo. Shasta Boyz productions just released the third of seven trailers in their series Slippery When Wet. Drew Duval takes center…
(Photo Trip Jennings) National Geographic explorers Trip Jennings and Andy Maser departed for the Democratic Republic of Congo yesterday to begin their Elephant Ivory Project, an effort to curb poaching of African…
Rafting Uganda's White Nile. Courtesy of Flickr Kayakers, paddlers, and boaters are mourning the loss of some of their African habitat. As of February 27, a section of the White Nile River in Uganda is closed to river traffic to make way…
The following is the second in a series of dispatches from South America sent by kayaker Chris Korbulic. You can read the first post here. Manaus Airport Photo by Chris Korbulic 2.28.2011Our plane was on time to…
Slippery When When: Chris Korbulic from Shon Bollock on Vimeo. Shasta Boyz Productions just released the second of seven trailers for their new project Slippery When Wet, and it features…
Slippery When Wet: Evan Garcia from Shon Bollock on Vimeo. Shasta Boyz Productions has released the first in a series of seven trailers to plug it's new project Slippery When Wet. We picked the first one up off a facebook post…
Yes, that's a kayaker at the edge of the falls. From last year's trip. (Courtesy of Caue Ito) The following is the first in a series of dispatches from kayaker Chris Korbulic. In 2010, Ben Stookesberry, Brazilian Pedro Oliva, and I faced some of…
The ski & snowboard season is halfway over, and Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Here's your mid-winter wrap up of the stuff you should click on. With One Pole:Bode Miller finishes 12th in the men's super-G at the World Championships (…
Visit for breaking news,…
You might have missed a few things this week, given the X Games and the upcoming Super Bowl, but there was still plenty going on in the world outside. From the backcountry slopes to the shores of Maui, here's the stuff you should click on this week. Who…
The News Team has been hard at work this week, combing the web for the latest headlines from the world outside. Along the way we discovered these little gems, clips of people out doing what they love. Here's the stuff you should click on this week—video edition. If…
Kayaker Chris Korbulic returns to Africa to take part in a unique memorial service for his friend and fellow paddler Hendri Coetzee, who was killed by a crocodile in Congo in December 2010. Itunda Falls, Nile River, Uganda8 January,…
The Loneliest Road in America gets a little more lonely, swingliners go big in Utah, an epic bore in Alaska, and tailgating: by the numbers. Here's the stuff you should click on this week. Not Your Average Backyard Swing Set: Forget Duran Duran:Playing…
Though reports are still sketchy, ϳԹ has learned that South African kayaker Hendrik (Hendri) Coetzee died after being attacked by a crocodile—on the Congo's Lukuga river. He was paddling with Americans Ben Stookesberry and Chris Korbulic. Coetzee gained prominence after he led the first source-to-sea expedition down the length of…
Photo courtesy of Flickr. Four Norwegian kayakers completed a 20-day unsupported circumnavigation of South Georgia in the Southern Ocean this morning, a kind of Mount Everest for kayakers, ExplorersWeb…
The following dispatch is from extreme kayaker, Ben Stookesberry, a member of the First Ascent kayak team. They are currently on an expedition in Africa to make a first descent of the Lukuga…
The following dispatch is from extreme kayaker, Ben Stookesberry, a member of the First Ascent kayak team. They are currently on an expedition in Africa to make a first descent of the Lukuga…
What made big news last month? Scroll down to find out. Here are the top 10 posts from October. At least you'll be armed with good dinner party conversation. Number 10: The Top 10 ϳԹs in Scotland Number 9: The Top 10 Things To…
This 4mm skirt features an extra flap of neoprene around the cockpit to keep you drier than the competition.…
With a gusseted crotch, articulated knees, and neoprene-lined closures, these waterproof pants are as comfortable as your old pair of Levi’s.…
The following dispatch is from extreme kayaker, Ben Stookesberry, a member of the First Ascent kayak team. They are currently on an expedition in Africa to make a first descent of the…
H2O claims its thermoplastic resin blade is as light as a composite but still durable like plastic. The bent carbon-and-glass shaft eases wrist strain, and indexed grips help you keep your bearings, even while getting thrashed in a hole.…
This play vest takes a quantum leap forward in comfort and range of motion by splitting the bulky front flotation into two independent panels and adding neoprene shoulder straps. It’s like paddling naked—but safer.…
Three-layer Gore-Tex, articulated arms, and neoprene-protected latex gaskets make the Rogue the most durable, breathable drytop around.…
Priced for entry level but tuned for the long haul, the Desperado combines sturdy no-flutter carbon-reinforced nylon blades with Werner’s classic heavy-duty fiberglass oval shaft.…
The following dispatch is from extreme kayaker, Ben Stookesberry. He and members of the First Ascent kayak team are currently on an expedition in Africa. Their goal: to make a first descent on the…
I would like to do an overnight kayak trip, but don't want to camp. Any suggestions in the Mid-Atlantic states? -Sandy Mechanicsburg, PA