Climate Neutral-ish
The latest
Underconsumption may be trending on social media, but thrifting has been around for a long time. From household essentials and wardrobe staples to outdoor gear and the best gifts ever, its better for the planet and your wallet.
Wiping with toilet paper is gross and wasteful. I found a better way.
Hummingbirds and other pollinators are responsible for one out of every three bites of food we eat. I set out to attract them to my yard.
Could the climate crisis be solved in the courtroom?
Has the summer heat got you down? Our sustainability expert has tips and tricks to beat the soaring temperatures without harming the planet.
Fifteen minutes of ooh-ing and ah-ing isnt worth the wildfire risk, pollution, and trauma to wildlife
Just how guilty do I need to feel about enjoying the occasional burger? I spoke to a hunter, a rancher, and a climate scientist to get to the meat of the matter.
The solution to the microplastics problem already exists, according to the Father of Green Chemistry. So why arent we using it?
Live events are all about the party, but they can be brutal on the environment. Heres how to go easy on the planet without cramping your style.
Want to get paid to fight climate change? Bidens new Climate Corp is hiring. We combed through 270 job listings to find the dreamiest ones.
We spoke to three climate activists about how Earth Day, which started as a protest, has become a day of corporate greenwashing, and what we can all do about it
Four easy things you can do to rewild your space and support climate-critical biodiversity
Red Solo cups. Bubble mailers. Batteries. Vape pens. We ranked commonly binned items that cause big problems for your recycling center into a March Madness-style bracket, and asked a panel of experts to vote on the biggest losers.
Making sustainable choices is not just good for the planet, but your wallet, too. I crunched the numbers and discovered that by doing these 11 easy things over a year, I saved almost ten grand.
Clothing companies have long relied on PFAS, or forever chemicals, to provide stellar water, stain, and oil repellency. But at what cost? New regulations are forcing your favorite apparel brands across the globe to rethink their chemistry.
Your toothbrush is part of the plastic crisis. It doesnt have to be.
Your defunct electronicsfrom headlamps, digital cameras, avalanche beacons and GPS devices to fitness watches, laptops, cell phones and headphonesall contain valuable, yet hazardous resources. Heres how to make sure they get properly recycled.
Millions of Christmas trees wind up in the landfill after the holidays, emitting methane and taking up precious space. Dont let yours be one of them. There are plenty of ways to put that pine to good use.
Plus eight other easy, planet-friendly actions that everyone around you will start imitating
These easy-to-make presents will show your loved ones that you care about them as well as the planet
Theres no better way to grasp the dos and donts of curbside recycling than seeing the sorting in action
A simple, free home energy audit showed me how to fix air leaks, insulation shortages, and other common culprits that cost me big bucks each year
You may never raise a single-use container to your lips again
With each chop, youre releasing microplastics into your food
Sustainability 101 says only buy what you need. But when it comes to electric cars, that rule doesnt always apply.
Its not all doom and gloom. Theres good news about climate, too.
Deceptive eco-marketing techniques prey on consumers looking to make responsible purchases. Follow these tips to avoid getting duped.
We talked to three experts to unpack the invisible havoc unleashed by our mindless idling epidemic
From growing plants from seeds, to repurposing food scraps, to turning trash into all-natural cleaners and beauty products, TikTok phenom Creative_explained will inspire you to waste less and save money
Travelers generate a massive amount of waste. You can help change that with these smart and easy tips.
Save money and go easier on the planet with these tips and alternatives
Make money and do the planet a solid by embracing the circular economy
There are far better ways to deal with your shit.
The $450 Lomi Home Composter doesnt actually create compost. But the product is still awesomeif you can afford it.
Show up on Earth Day with these easy, powerful actions
In his daily conversations, diet, business practices, and play time, Jones is always working for the planet
By swapping out bagged potatoes for loose ones, and eggs in cardboard cartons instead of styrofoam, youll lighten your environmental footprint
5 simple ways to curb your food waste and save money
How to handle plastic bags, batteries, milk cartons, metals, and...bowling balls