My dad gave me my first multitool when I left for college. I was moving 2,000 miles away, and in his mind,if there was one thing he could equip me with that would ensure survival in the years to come, it was a Leatherman.
This hand-me-down, a,came from my dad’s collection of half a dozen or so multitools. Unergonomic and rectangular, with a leather case that can conveniently and fashionably be worn on a belt (as I did when I was a park ranger and which my dad still does daily), it’s nearly as old as I am. The tool isneitherfancy nor stylish, but I love it.
My dad got this Leatherman when I was in kindergarten and he was working on the trail crewat , in Colorado. Since Iinherited it, I’ve used the Pocket Survival Tool for just about everything. It’s a must-have at any campsite (notably for making kindling and pounding in tent stakes), in my apartment (repairing jewelry and tightening laptop screws), and in my purse (you never know when you’ll need to snip off a tag or file a hangnail). No packing list is complete without it, even if I’m only packing my work bag. I also took it abroad when I studied in Spainin college, where I grossly (but successfully) misused it to open a bottle of cheap wine. You can accomplish most of these things with any multitool, but not just any tool can endure two generations of use with barely a scratch.
Looking up my model on the internet, I found one listed on Etsy as “vintage” and discovered that it has, sadly, been discontinued since 2004. If you want a similar multitool that’s still in production, the would be my pick. It’s elegantly designed to include nearly all the PST II tools. If you’re looking foran upgrade, Isuggest the brand’s. All Leathermanmultitools include a knife and some pliers, which are the implements I find myself using the most.New versions don’t come with the classic leather case anymore, unfortunately; you’ll have to make do with the nylon sheath instead.
My old tool and I know each other well, and it’s no worse for wear after what I’ve put it through. It’s no diamond engagement ring, but it is a family heirloom that I hope to pass on down the line.