If you’re into outdoor gear and haven’t shopped at before, buckle up: it’s one of the biggest and widest-ranging sales of the year outside of the holidays. Below, you’ll find some of our favorite picks from this year’s bargain bonanza, all of which we’ve tested and reviewed atϳԹ. We hope you score something good and that it helps you spend more time outdoors this year!
Salomon Quest 4 GTX Hiking Boots | $230 $172 (25 percent off)
The thick, durable sole allows you to put a lot of miles on these boots, and provides plenty of traction on wet trails.
Hydro Flask Cooler Cup | $25 $19 (25 percent off)
This camp essential does it all and does them well: it is both a drinking vessel and a koozie, and was designed to handle both hot and cold beverages. Now your beer, wine, coffee, or tea will always have a companion.
Altra Lone Peak 7 Trail Running Shoes | $150 $114 (25 percent off)
The Lone Peaks have been a staff favorite for a while, thanks to the roomy toebox and thin midsole that allows you to respond to the trail.
Prana Men’s Stretch Zion Pants | $95 $71 (25 percent off)
One of our favorite hiking pants of all time—and they look good enough to wear in town.
Black Diamond Spot Headlamp | $50 $35 (25 percent off)
Beaming 300 lumens, we love that this lightweight headlamp illuminates the trails during dawn patrol runs and after-dusk adventures.
Dometic GO Hydration Water Faucet | $100 $80 (20 percent off)
This rechargeable water faucet, complete with an LED light, takes your camp kitchen setup to the next level by allowing you to easily refill your water bottle or wash dishes.
Keen Newport H2 Sandals | $60 $45 (25 percent off)
The grippy soles of these sandals help kids scramble and climb on almost any surface they encounter. Better yet: toss them in the washing machine for easy clean-up.
Exped MegaMat Duo 10 Sleeping Pad | $350-$400 $262-$300 (25 percent off)
This sleeping pad for two is designed for comfort and durability by surrounding the air chamber with memory foam. Simply put by our tester, “You will not find better support anywhere, indoors or out.”
Ignik Gas Growler Deluxe | $150 $112 (25 percent off)
This five-pound tank is one of our favorite reusable propane tanks for car camping: the capacity is five times more than typical canisters, providing plenty of fuel for cooking elaborate meals at camp. The tough canvas carrying case makes transport easy without taking up a ton of room in your rig.
Garmin InReach Mini 2 | $400 $350 (12 percent off)
Ideal for those who spend a lot of time in the backcountry and out of cell service, this two-way satellite communicator boasts an average battery life of up to 14 days and is water- and impact-resistant.
La Sportiva Bushido II Trail Running Shoes | $155 $116 (25 percent off)
The snug fit, durable lug soles, excellent traction, and underfoot stiffness—even after 315 miles of abuse—makes this shoe a winner on high alpine trails.
MSR PocketRocket 2 Mini Stove Kit | $105 $79 (25 percent off)
This backcountry cooking setup is compact, lightweight, and durable, making it one of our favorite backpacking cooking systems. It was already affordable at $105, so this is a killer deal.
Gregory Paragon 68/Maven 65 Pack | $280 $210 (25 percent off)
Winner of the ϳԹ Gear of the Year Award in 2020, the Gregory Paragon 68 (men’s) and Maven 65 (women’s) packs have one of the most effective trampoline-style suspension systems we’ve ever seen. Plus, it offers tons of storage while remaining incredibly light.
the rest of the sale through May 29.
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