Good for Backcountry
This was our favorite pack for skiing around the resort. With its low profile, the Agent sits comfortably on a chair and stayed glued to our backs, even when hopping tight chutes out of bounds. Better yet, because the loops for its simple and effective ski-carrying system hide in pockets when not in use, they won’t snag getting on and off the lift. At 1,220 cubic inches, there’s just enough volume for a backcountry day tour, and while the streamlined body is large enough to carry any avy shovel on the market, testers had a hard time getting big shovel blades to fit all the way in. And then there’s the most important feature: The pack’s Ava-Lung, a snorkel-like avalanche-safety device that redirects the carbon dioxide you exhale, delaying
the formation of a suffocating “ice mask” and adding 40-odd minutes of survival time. 2.9 lbs;