Any device used for playing music close to or within a wearer’s ears. Headphone-like apparatuses were developed alongside the telephone and camera in the late 19th century, but the first models designed explicitly for music were produced by the in 1958. They became a standard jogging and roller-skating accessory in the eighties with the rise of the . Since the introduction of the iPod and other portable MP3 players, athletes have largely converted to smaller, snugger, action-friendly earbuds and earphones from companies like and .
Audio File
How you listen speaks volumes about you.
What they are: Over-the-noggin pads that rest on or cover the ears.
What they’re good for: Comfort, big sound.
Who uses them: NBA players, film editors, subway commuters.
What they are: Narrow nubs inserted directly into the ear canals.
What they’re good for: Ambient-noise cancellation, staying put during activity.
Who uses them: Runners, road cyclists.
What they are: Hard buds that sit just outside the ear canals.
What they’re good for: Portablility, lean budgets.
Who uses them: Hyperfit professionals on walking conference calls, too many Whole Foods shoppers.