There was a time in my life when I would do anything for a gear deal. I was young and broke and willing to be uncomfortable to save money. Examples included trusting my life to used climbing equipment (cams, but never ropes), blistering my feet in running shoes a size too big, and riding a snowboard too narrow for my feet, so my toes would drag and Id eat it while speeding down groomers.
If youre reading this, youve likely had a similar experiencefinding gear at a discount is an outdoor rite of passage. But as Ive grown older, my tastes have refined, and Ive gotten a little looser with how I spend my hard-earned dollars. Maybe thats true for you, too. If youre like me, though, you probably still love a good deal on the best products.
Well, we have a smoking one for you: if you sign up for our 窪蹋勛圖厙+ membership, youll get a $50 credit (see ) to our brand-new The store is full of the best outdoor gear, from the latest and greatest ski jackets to the coziest cabin footwear. There are items you can buy flat out for under $50. Or you can put it toward top-reviewed items from 窪蹋勛圖厙s biannual Buyers Guides. There are even some of our all-time . The best part? Every year that you renew your membership, youll get another $50 credit to the store. The younger version of myself is salivating at the thought.
Thats not to mention the incredible value of the membership itself, which includes a subscription (normally $40), a membership ($36), print subscriptions to two of our magazines (窪蹋勛圖厙, plus your choice of Backpacker, Climbing, Ski, and many more), digital access to all of our online stories, and countless other perks. Ive been working in outdoor media for over a decade, and I can affirm that this is the most robust and useful membership money can buy.
We hope youll join usand pick up some sweet gear when you do.