Outdoor gear isn’t just expensive to buy; it’s also expensive todesign, test, and produce. For that reason, many small brandshave turned to Kickstarter to raise the money to manufacture their newest products. Here are fiveinnovative launches we’re excited about right now.
Cycl WingLight 360 Bike Light

Designed to mimic the lights on a car, these ($80) are white in front, like headlights, and red in back, like taillights. The bulbs screw onto the end of each handlebarso drivers can see how far into the road a cyclist is and leave a wide berth when passing.With a single tap, each light turns to blinking orange, acting as a turn signal. The lights are waterproof and removable, so you can easily switch them between different bikes.
Full Windsor Splitter Titanium Multi Utensil

In 2017, Full Windsor launched the Muncher($35), a hefty titaniumspork-cum-knife-cum-bottle-opener that became an instant hit and made its way into our 2018 Summer Buyer’s Guide. Nowthe company is launching a new multifunctional camp-kitchen utensil, ($60). Along-handled titanium spork(for reaching into freeze-dried meal pouches) and spatulaclip together to make tongs. The spatula also has a serrated edge for cutting. Together, the kit weighs in at 1.8 ounces.
PurTrekWater Filter

($180) doubles as a water filter. Water enters the system through holes about an inch above the pole tip (a simple twist closes the holes to keepdust out while hiking). Stick the carbide tip into your water source, flip open the top of the pole and insert the included plastic tube, and then slide the hand grip up and down to pump clean water through thehollow-fiber mechanism hidden inside the shaft.
Rumble Go Portable Cold-Brew Coffee Maker

Dump coffee grounds into (price TBD), slide the tube into your favorite water bottle, pour in water, and let it sit overnight. In the morning, your cold-brew coffee is ready to drink the moment you get out of bed or your sleeping bag, so you don’t have tofumble around toboilwater. An extendablesilicone base allows you to adjust the Rumble Go’s height so it sits securely in your favoriteCamelBak, Hydro Flask, Nalgene, or other bottlefrom any of several popular brands.
Arkadia Designs Alta 21 Packable Daypack

Ultralight yet feature-rich, ($100) is made of 30-denier Cordura, with a 100 percent waterproof main compartment and water-resistant outer pockets. What’s more, the inflatable back support can be removed and used as a seat cushion or pillow, and the lid zips off and doubles as a fanny pack or sling bag. The whole thing weighs ten ounces and stuffs down to the size of an apple.