Our favorite former Army Rangers with a cause want to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. How? By selling shoes, as is the way.
After serving multiple tours in Afghanistan, Matthew Griffin and Donald Lee came to the realization that it wasn’t violence that could defeat terrorism in the country—it was economic opportunity and education for women. So, they set out on the quixotic task of producing footwear in war zones, with profits benefiting Afghan women.
Now, the upcoming launch of a new shoe has given them the opportunity to help victims of Hurricane Harvey.
“This shoe was set to launch in October 2017, but the event and our ability to help accelerated the release,” says Griff. “Based on our experience, the help tends to reduce greatly when the water recedes. That's when the real work begins. Victims will return to their homes and begin the long, slow process of putting their lives back together. Food and a clean place to sleep is the least we could do to help. Profits will be used to fund meals, mattresses, pillows, and clean sheets.”
One-hundred percent of the profits from this shoe will go to Hurricane Harvey victims.