貹Ծ will challenging the idea that gourmet cooking is only for humans.
The meals, to be held simultaneously in Barcelona and New York, will be composed entirely of 3D-printed food, served on 3D-printed dishes and alongside 3D-printed cutlery. Oh yeah, and the dinner will be set in 3D-printed rooms designed by architect José Ramón Tramoyeres.
Reimagine Foods, which aims “to lay the foundations for promoting a new Silicon Valley of food and disruptive technology in Barcelona,” has partnered with Michelin star chef Paco Morales to serve meals printed by the , a creation of Reimagine Foods partner Natural Machines. The Foodini prints food layer by layer in a cube-shaped baking environment and uses ingredient capsules like ink. It will go on sale this year for $1,300.
In addition to schmoozing with each other, diners will be able to interact with . These human-sized units, equipped with Internet connections and scanners, are allegedly capable of detecting your food preferences before you voice them. Proceed with caution.
The company hopes the December event will give people a better understanding of what 3D printers, which have successfully printed cookies, pasta, and even burgers, are capable of in the kitchen. If you’re interested in being one of the 24 diners chosen to taste these printed meals, get ready to pony up $205,000, most of which will go toward printing the restaurant.