Join us on Thursday, December 20, from 7 to 10 p.m. ET to watch a free screening of , an account of director Hunter Weeks’ 30-day journey down the longest undammed river in the continental United States. Along the way he meets a host of odd characters and gets lost in the history of this magical watershed.
Starting at 8 p.m. ET, director and producer will join us to answer your questions in the comments section below.
Where the Yellowstone Goes follows a 30-day drift boat journey down the longest “undammed” river in the lower 48. The adventure gets serious when the crew passes through the clean up efforts of the 2011 Exxon Mobil oil spill on the Yellowstone River. The story captures intimate portraits of locals in both booming cities and dusty, dwindling towns along the Yellowstone, illustrating the history and controversies surrounding this enigmatic watershed and, inevitably, leading to questions about its future. Connect with colorful characters, get lost in the hypnotic cast of a fly rod, and experience silhouetted moments of fireside stories on this heartfelt river adventure. Award-winning director (, ) presents a thoughtful exploration of life on America’s great undammed river, the Yellowstone.
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You can buy Where the Yellowstone Goes on or at . All proceeds from sales of the film on Thursday, December 20, will go to support victims of the Sandy Hook shooting.