Roughly four years ago, Volcom set up a for the first person to land a surfing kickflip on video. The trick involves a surfer kicking the board out after coming off the lip of the wave, letting the board complete a full barrel roll, and then landing flat on the board and riding it to glory.
The winner is Zoltan Torkos of Santa Cruz, California, though he has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster in the last few days. On March 4, Torkos landed the move on video. On March 8, because his board flip was not completed above the lip, free of backwash and chop hops. Yesterday, maybe after seeing how much attention the contest and decision were getting across the web, they decided to and offer a new prize.
“After further review Volcom has decided to for his groundbreaking maneuver, and at the same time redefine the rules and double the prize money on the elusive 'above and off the lip kickflip' now worth $20,000.”
Zoltan of course reacted favorably to the decision.
“This is a dream come true, better than any lottery win,” said Zoltan Torkos. “This has been the most amazing four months of my life and I can't thank you enough! If you were here you'd be on my shoulders and I'd be running through the neighborhood!”
As for the rest of you? Start practicing.
–Joe Spring