Afraid to open a bottle with your teeth or the flesh of your forearm? You can still impress your friends by using the outdoor gear/bottle openers below. We definitely don't recommend using the sandles on a first date if you've worn them around town.

Opena iPhone 4 Case:ճ protects your phone and makes you the life of the office party. The stainless steel bottle opener slides out on command. And, the case fits all iPhone 4s. Available now, $40,

SwarmEffect Nectar/Nectar QR: “Every good ride ends with a beer.” That's the philosophy, the corporate mantra behind . If you agree, then you’ll be buying one of these CNC machined premium bicycle seat clamps with integrated bottle opener asap. Choose from two sizes in two colors, that are light, strong, multifunctional and made in the USA. Available now, $32-$37..
Reef Adjustable BYOB: What better time to pop the top off an icy tall boy than after a dip in the ocean. Adjustable BYOB sandal will prevent you from callusing your tender feet on the hot sand, and it has the company’s Thirst Quenching Technology—a church key bottle opener in the outsole. Warning: when you take your shoe off to open your bottle, shake it out first so you don’t get sand in your beer. Available now, $52, .
–Berne Broudy