International hotel booking portal has released results of rating the cleanliness of hotels in select international cities. Tokyo scored the highest rating with 8.93 on a scale of one to 10, followed by Warsaw at 8.76 and Seoul at 8.73.
The lowest-rated city on the list was Rio de Janeiro, which scored 7.29. This result might shock travelers to that city who have been paying —the result of Brazil’s runaway inflation.
Other poorly rated cities included London (7.52), Oslo (7.53), Amsterdam (7.58), and Paris (7.63).
The rankings have little correlation with the destination preferences of American travelers. Japan, Poland, and Korea were the 13th, 28th, and 15th most visited countries by Americans in 2013, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce (PDF ). The UK was the third most visited country, attracting more travelers than Japan, Poland, and South Korea combined.