Is there a list of all your work? What early films inspired you? Q: Is there a list of all your feature-length films in one of your books (a filmography)? Do you have some old favorite films which you will be making available on VHS tape? What early films by others inspired you? Thanks! [No name or location provided] A: Not than I know of. I’ve been involved in 500 films over 46 years. In the late ’30s as a little boy I often went to Saturday matinees. Charlie Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy–they inspired me. |
You’ve done other books, right?
Q: Warren, I really don’t think your new book is your first. It seems that I have a book about ski bumming in Sun Valley that I purchased when I was in high school in Denver. You wrote the book and autographed it too.
Tom Noll
Boise, ID
A: Yes, Wine, Women, Warren, and Skis is available in audio and print form. To order a copy, write P.O. Box 2696, Vail, CO 81658. It’s $11.95 plus $3.50 for shipping.
What do you think of the huge growth in Colorado?
Q: Please let me know what you think about the outrageous growth in Colorado (and Glenwood Springs area as well). Also, what’s your favorite ski area in Colorado? Thanks so much and all the best to you.
K. McKenna
Denver, CO
A: Proximity to tourist attractions dictates value; people like to live in nice places.
You can’t turn back the clock. I live in Vail, I like to ski there–and I like to share it rather than keep in a secret.
Do any of your movies include telemark skiing?
Q: Warren, I started telemarking a couple of years ago and I love it. Do any of your movies include segments on telemark skiing?
John Medved
Orem, UT
A: We’ve not had good telemark sequences because whenever we have tele-skiers in front of the camera, they want to ski G.S. turns or bumps, and that’s not what telemark skiing is about, in my opinion.
What’s the best family resort in Europe? How does Whistler rate?
Q: Two parts: 1) Where in Europe would you recommend for a good family Ski Vacation?
2) How does Whistler/Blackcomb rate, in your eyes, to all other world-class ski facilities?
Keep up the good Work!
Grant Anderson
Vancouver, BC, Canada
A: 1) Zurs, Austria. Stay at the Lorunser; the owner is Herbert Jochum. I think it’s one of single best hotels in world.
2) Whistler always rates high, the only disadvantage is its low altitude; at the bottom they sometimes have rain.
How do you turn fear into adrenaline?
Q: When you first started skiing, how and when did you turn the initial fears that one gets into the adrenaline “high” that pushes you to outperform yourself?
Kevin Kimmell
Akron, OH
A: I’ve never been afraid of anything. And I don’t take chances ’cause I don’t like to get hurt. Push things gradually, rather than jump in feet-first and having to pay the piper later.
Where can I find my favorite ski poles?
Q: Several years ago, the Alsop company made ski poles with shock absorbers under the handles. I have been trying to find them in the Denver area and have been unsuccessful. Have you seen these anywhere local to Denver? What is your opinion on them?
Margie Sterioff
Aurora, CO
A: I still have a pair of those polls and use them a lot. The Alsop company is located in Bellingham, WA, but I don’t think they’ve made those for eight to ten years.
[Editor’s note: If you’re looking for a pair, why not place a listing in the “Wanted” section of ? It’s free, and somebody out there might be able to hook you up with what you need.]
I was in one of your old movies–how can I get a tape of it?
Q: I was in one of your movies in the early 70s called In search of Skiing. I was wondering if there is any way to get a copy of that movie. We did the grass-skiing segment, which was shot by your son Scott. Thank you for your time and see you on the slopes.
Leonard Ely
Palo Alto, CA
A: Try this: Call Warren Miller entertainment, 800-729-3456. Ask for Rob.
Do “mature skiers” do adventure skiing?
Q: Hi, Warren. The last time I bumped into you was a couple of winters ago and you had just been over to Jupiter Jones cat tour. Do you see “mature skiers” opting for more “controlled” adventure skiing like cats and double-black-diamond runs? No, I don’t think we’ll get many UpSkiers from any segment. It’s too wild and too wind dependent!
Phil Huff
Frisco, CO
A: Yes, [we’ll see] more controlled adventure skiing, of course. Except stay away from the bumps, because they make you turn where everyone else has and you lose your freedom.
Will you make a film devoted to wilderness skiing?
Q: With the recent surge of popularity that backcountry skiing is enjoying, have you considered making a film solely devoted to wilderness skiing?
John Kovac
Mountain View, CA
A: There is really not enough of a market to support producing a whole film on that.
How can I get started in your line of work?
Q: How would a young skier break into your line of work? I’ve been skiing for 17 years, just graduated from a top university, and I’d like to work in the ski industry. I worked as a lift operator and a ski instructor during my collegiate years, but I’d like to try something different. Do I take my camera to the hills and hope for the best? Any ideas? Need an
Anne Wickers
Berkeley, CA
A: Call Warren Miller Entertainment at 800-729-3456. Ask for Don Brolin, who might have an intern position available.
Get a job at a resort shooting stills. Keep working at ski resorts doing what you like, so that when an opportunity arises, you can jump on it. Evolve into what works for you–what you like to do most
What kind of skiing can older folk do? What do you ski?
Q: Warren–my family has always been a big fan of your movies. It was your movies, in fact, that got my Dad, a longtime paranoid of anything remotely dangerous, to take up skiing. My question is this: When my Dad, who moved to Park City, reaches your age, what kind of runs do you think he can still do? More specifically, do *you* still do black-diamond moguls and
steep knee-busters? Or do you now prefer the easy schussing of green groomers? Sincerely,
Kent Backman
Hilo, HI
A: You’ve only got so many bumps in your knees: It’s like heartbeats, when they’re gone, they’re gone. You can still go fast in the powder and open slopes, though.
What don’t your movies include handicapped skiers anymore?
Q: Dear Warren,
I sat in the front row when you screened a film for over 100 physically challenged skiers at the National Handicapped Sports’ 1992 Ski Spectacular in Breckenridge, Colorado. Maybe I misheard you when you promised that any film that you had anything to do with would have at least one sequence featuring a blind, or amputee, or mono, skier. I am sure that it was words to that effect. I know you
have done a lot to support people with physical challenges who want to ski, and I was thrilled to see some shots of mono-skiers in your 1993 flick, but, I didn’t see anyone like that in your 1995 movie.
I don’t mean to saddle you with a quota system, but I would like to know when you are going to show some great scenes of extreme mono-skiers, or even just some getting on a lift. I know lots of people are fascinated with the concept of skiing despite a physical disability. I see that every time I get on the lift. I think half the people in line must be thinking to themselves: “How the heck
is that guy going to get on the chairlift in that thing?”
Best regards from a mono-skier,
Jimmy Collins
Bakersfield, CA
A: Six years ago I sold my company to my son; I no longer have editorial control over the movies. When I did, there were always handicapped skiers in the films. And if I had the say-so, I would, of course, keep my promise.
Who is the greatest skier in the world?
Q: You have filmed the greatest skiers in the world. Who is the best as far as technique and sheer ability?
Jonathan Ruth
Fargo, ND
A: Jean Claude Killy. He won three gold medals in the 1968 Olympics in France.
What equipment do I need to start making ski films?
Q: I would like to make films like you but I don’t have the right equipment. What kind of camera would be good for a beginner filmmaker, that I could afford?
Dave Miller
Troy, NY
A: Best equipment is to get a cheap 8mm video camera and just go start making movies. You can buy a three- or four-year-old obsolete one for 20-percent of the cost of a new one.
What inspired you to make your first extreme ski movie?
Q: Hi….Well, I just love your movies. I’m on my school ski club and every time we go skiing (every Friday) we watch one of your movies to get us hyped up. It’s great.. Anyway, my question is one that you probably heard before: What inspired you to make your first extreme skiing movie?
[No address provided.]
A: I think everyone who skis is an extreme skier, and if they don’t scare themselves least once a day, they shouldn’t do it. If you’re 85 years old and going 3 mph you can still get the same adrenaline rush as if you just jumped off a cliff. So, there’s been extreme skiing in my movies ever since the first one.
Get me in your next movie!
Q: I want to know if he can personally get me a spot in the “Copper Drop” (100 skiers jumping off the cornice into Copper Bowl, on January 13) so I can tell everyone I was in a Warren Miller movie….
Chester Bullock
Proud resident of Summit County, CO
A: Call Warren Miller Entertainment at 800-729-3456. Ask for either Peter Speek or Kurt Miller.
I want to see more telemark skiing in your movies
Q: I’ve not seen one of your movies for a few years now because you have not been giving the sport of tele-skiing enough coverage in your movies.
There are some really great free-heel skiers out there. Time to get back into the ski scene and away from the all-mighty dollar. Really don’t need to see anymore tele-skiers sliding down a mound of sand!
Thomas Gotchy
Bellingham, WA
A: Have him contact the office and suggest that they come film him (Warren Miller Entertainment, 800-729-3456).
All they want is to do bumps and craziness. That not what telemark skiing is about.
If you would like to order any Warren Miller books or tapes, write to P.O. Box 2696, Vail, CO 81658 and indicate if you’d like them autographed.
穢2000, Mariah Media Inc.