At a loose end? Possess no real skill set, but eager to prove your mettle? Why not apply for Earth’s first interplanetary settlement!
The Dutch company Mars One, which seven months ago announced its intention to establish a series of permanent colonies on Mars, has released their selection criteria for their 2023 one-way mission. And, surprisingly, they’re not asking much.
Applicants need to be at least 18 years of age, have a deep sense of purpose, willingness to build and maintain healthy relationships, the capacity for self-reflection, and ability to trust. They must be resilient, adaptable, curious, creative, and resourceful.
Other requirements: “You have a ‘Can do!’ attitude.”; “You have a good sense of play and spirit of playfulness[!]”
Not exactly NASA, is it? The private company has previously promised that the mission will be the greatest “media spectacle” our solar system has ever seen. “The whole world will be watching. Big Brother will pale in comparison,” said team member Dr. Gerard T. Hooft, a Nobel Prize winner in theoretical physics, without a grain of irony.
Mars One goes on to say they’re not seeking specific skill sets as “all skills required on Mars will be learned while in training.” (Like how to .)
If you’re interested in joining an experimental space community with a group of high-spirited, sensitive folks who, y’know, aren’t doctors or geologists or anything fancy, .