A determined osprey has found the perfect perch for its nest. The only problem? It’s directly in front of a traffic camera near the Bay Bridge.
The Maryland Transportation Authority has removed the nest three times during the past week, only to have the bird rebuild. Late Tuesday afternoon, a branch (possibly fresh evidence of yet another nest) could be seen in front of the camera.
Eagles, ospreys, and a falcon have been allowed to nest on the Bay Bridge before, authority spokesman John Sales told the , but none of the birds built homes that blocked the view of a camera providing a live feed of the traffic below.
“We’re concerned because she’s blocking one of our traffic cameras that we use for monitoring traffic conditions at the bridge,” Sales told the newspaper. He also expressed concerns about the bird’s safety because the camera moves back and forth, agitating the animal.
There might be a solution that works for both the osprey and transportation officials. Federal Wildlife biologist Craig Koppie suggested luring the bird with another elevated platform, complete with some of the material removed from previous nests.