If you kill it, you can grill it. So says a new Montana bill that would make it . The state Senate voted 33-15 in favor of the bill, with a final vote scheduled as early as Thursday. Under the new law, permits will be issued to individuals who would be allowed to remove the carcasses of elk, deer, antelope, and moose from Montana roadways and do with it what they will. “It really is a sin to waste a good meat,” said state Sen. Larry Jent, D-Bozeman.
Not everyone is excited at the prospect of roadgrill. Some are curious whether the meat could pose a hazard to food banks that accept the carcasses. Senator Jim Peterson that he wonders how roadkill could be considered safe, while the cattle industry still labors under strict federal regulations.
Montana is not the only state that’s soft on roadkill. Illinois allows hunters to remove the pelts and/or meat from fur-bearing animals, and Alaska Fish and Wildlife troopers run a program that delivers over 800 moose carcasses a year to charitable organizations.