For more than 10 years, has ventured into the backcountry alone and recorded his wilderness experiences. He’s traveled to more than 25 locations, racked up 200 days of solitude, and suffered through everything from strange diseases contracted from foreign parasites to hypothermia. This Sunday, on , he shares his most memorable moments (September 18 at 8 p.m. EST, Discovery). Before he had a chance to dish on TV, we asked our Facebook fans to submit questions to Stroud, then sent him the five best. Here are your questions and his answers.
Larry De La Briandais: When filming Survivorman do you film everything you do, or do you sometimes turn the cameras off?
I turn them off. In fact, a lot of times I have to turn them off just so I can get my survival stuff done, like building a shelter.
Danny Lovato: Hey Les, Good to see you back! What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a survival situation?
Fourteen days.
Jamie Bailey: Have you ever had to use your SPOT device to request help or emergency assistance?
No, but I think they are excellent.
Tammy Murray: Les, I loved the interview where you shared a possible Sasquatch encounter. Do you believe that they exist and have you ever seen one?
Actually, make sure you catch the new episode , and you will here my whole story there.
Matthew James Bruce: Did your leaving Survivorman years ago have more to do with needing something different to work on as far as professional projects, or more to do with the strain and difficulties and dangers that go along with making the show as you do without a camera crew or much of a safety net?
It had everything to do with progressing and working on new things, which turned out to be the series .
And in that same vein, do you see yourself ever doing another “full” season again?
A full season is tough as I have so many other things I like to do and work on, but stay tuned for more shows. That’s for sure.
—Joe Spring