Death Valley National park , asking visitors to please, please stop throwing eggs all over the damn place.
The trouble began when a park employee posted a video of herself cooking an egg in a skillet using only the power of the sun in Death Valley’s 127-degree heat. The video took off and now visitors are flocking to the park to chuck eggs on the ground to see if they cook. Unfortunately, many visitors are neglecting to use a skillet or tin foil and are just leaving drippy egg bits everywhere.
“[The video] was intended to demonstrate how hot it can get here, with the recommendation that if you do this, use a pan or tin foil and properly dispose of the contents,” read the statement. “The Death Valley NP maintenance crew has been busy cleaning up eggs cracked directly on the sidewalk, including egg cartons and shells strewn across the parking lot.”
The original egg-frying video can be viewed below.