Cyclist Joe Papp, a U.S. Anti-Doping Agency witness against in 2007, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute human growthhormone and another performance-enhancing drug, states the . In a Pittsburgh federal court on Wednesday, Papp said he conspiredwith a Chinese manufacturer to sell drugs over the Internet to more than 180customers including cyclists and other athletes. In the 2007 Floyd Landis case, Papp acknowledged his long pattern of drug use andtestified about how synthetic testosterone helped him recover after races.Landis won the 2006 but was later stripped of his title. A former teammate of , Landis returned to competitive cycling in 2009's .
Check out , our cover story on Floyd Landis from the .
And if you want to know more about Joe Papp, check out from our June 2008 issue.
–Stayton Bonner