
ϳԹ Magazine, Oct 1997



Tony Little (I'm the World's Number One Personal Trainer!) travels to Tonga (it's a monarchy, right? you just stop the fatty food from coming in!) and whips the island nation into shape (holy shit, these people are huge!)


Premise One: Eight years ago a drunk Joe Hazelwood piloted the Exxon Valdez into a reef. Premise Two: Eight years ago Joe Hazelwood martyred himself out of pride. Resolution One: After much suffering and introspection, Joe Hazelwood has found peace. Resolution Two: He's resolved absolutely nothing.

Published:  Updated: 

October 1997

T H E   T W E N T I E T H   A N N I V E R S A R Y   I S S U E

Don’t come to the Sahara, they said. Don’t join the Caravan of White Gold, or test the bandits, or even think about laying eyes on the legendary salt mines of Mali. Well, damn them.
By Tim Cahill

D R A M A T I S   P E R S O N A E

Celebrating the significant players from the last two decades. First up: the world’s best climber.
By Jon Krakauer

Watch with us now, as the king of the trim-you-up infomercial takes his act to the island of the perpetually chunky and learns that beauty is a very flexible concept.
By Daniel Coyle

D R A M A T I S   P E R S O N A E

Examining the spotted owl — icon on the wing — and the symbolics of environmental debate.
By John Daniel

A venerable Chinese poet once wrote that the state will fall, but mountains and rivers remain. As the residents of the Three Gorges valley will learn in a few weeks, Chinese poets know nothing about the folly of huge hydroelectric projects.
By Mark Levine

Within Japan, the theology of landscape can withstand any assault. Witness hallowed
Mount Fuji, whose slopes endure all manner of sideshows with extraordinary grace.
By Susan Orlean

D R A M A T I S   P E R S O N A E

Hardy fools do foolhardy things, and
sometimes they create a phenomenon.
By John Tayman

Take a right at Ted Turner’s spread, a left at Harrison Ford’s ranch, and there you’ll find it:
Fat Cat Row, where the new dudes stand tall
and the altered economics of the West get a little wild.
By Jack Hitt

D R A M A T I S   P E R S O N A E

Evidence that the most difficult tasks are even more difficult when attempted alone.
By Robert Stone

D R A M A T I S   P E R S O N A E

He was bad behavior and big ideas. He was the fuel and the fire.
By Terry Tempest Williams

D R A M A T I S   P E R S O N A E

To steal the X cliché: Their appeal is broad but frankly inXplicable.
By Bucky McMahon

Ah, the joyous leaps that have been made in the name of better outdoor gear. So come, shop the shelves of vintage swag, and bring your Susan B. Anthonys.
By Andrew Tilin and Mike Grudowski

In the beginning, there was Kathmandu, ground zero of the adventure travel bomb. And the gods, the bums, the seekers, the trekkers, and the outfitters were really quite pleased.
By Bob Shacochis

D R A M A T I S   P E R S O N A E

He’s not Ed Begley Jr. Or Ted Danson. Or Sting. And the earth is grateful.
By Jim Fergus

The Basque countryside is littered with them — would-be mas machos who ache to be what Migueltxo Saralegi is: the world’s greatest lifter of very heavy stones.
By Tad Friend

D R A M A T I S   P E R S O N A E

In the long tally of rainforest loss, his may be the most important.
By Kate Wheeler

D R A M A T I S   P E R S O N A E

And now a moment with the great and powerful Oz.
By Donald Katz

D R A M A T I S   P E R S O N A E

The primary primatologist, who sees that cute and cruel can coexist.
By Michael Nichols

That’s right, blame the victim. So it’s my fault I fell into a cult of outdoor obsession. It’s my fault they abused me with their twisted idea of “fun.” It’s my fault … Well, actually, it is my fault.
By Hal Espen

D R A M A T I S   P E R S O N A E

A short exercise in the definition of “humanly possible.”
By Brad Wetzler

Some say Joe Hazelwood is still at sea, weathering the never-ending storm of the Exxon Valdez. But he’s much more lost than that.
By Daniel Coyle

Gathered together for one time only: news, breakthroughs, and fateful yet amusing tiffs from years and years outside.

Together again: the noble, the menacing, the triumphant, the pratfalling,
and other unforgettable elements of the outdoor universe

Celebrating two decades of accuracy, prescience, and gentility. Or something like that.
By Adam Horowitz

A few young go-getters who’ll soon be making headlines
By Brad Wetzler

Five athletic achievements you might as well give up on now
By Todd Balf

Introducing the latest arrivals to the world as we know it
By Elizabeth Royte

By Paul Kvinta

Photographs, illustrations by Chris Rainier; William Coupon; Erik Aeder; Thomas Fluharty; Dan Burn-Forti; Craig Cameron Olsen; David Miller