40%: Cramps, weather-related illness
How They Happen:“On hot, humid days, you can get dehydrated,” says Donoghue. “If it’s cold, you can get hypothermic. It hap-pens to everyone.”
Avoid Them: Stay hydrated and fuel properly. Dress for the weather. World’s Toughest -Mudder racers often compete in wetsuits during cold seasons.
20%: Ankle Injuries
How They Happen: “Once you’re past an obstacle, your mind’s wandering, you’re chatting with friends, then you trip over a root and break your ankle,” Donoghue says.
Avoid Them: Pay attention. Always.
10%: Lacerations
How They Happen: Crawling under barbed wire and over sharp rocks.
Avoid Them: Wear tight clothes that cover your body.
5%: Shoulder Injuries
How They Happen:The majority, says Donoghue, “come from monkey-bar-style obstacles or anything where you’re helping pull a friend over something.”
Avoid Them: Incorporate upper-body strength training.
25%: Other (Bruises, splinters, snapped femur, paralysis)
How They Happen: Jumping over ditches, diving into water—all the stuff you’re required to do during an event.
Avoid Them: Don’t throw caution to the wind just because the clock is ticking. When you step on a course, use good judgement.