Last November, I began working with two groups of alpinists training for objectives in Patagonia and the Himalaya.
I designed “event-specific” training plans for each, including initial assessments, and this started me thinking about what a general “Alpinist Fitness Assessment” would look like.
By “alpinist” I’m speaking here in terms of an athlete who climbs high, glaciated peaks—think the Alps, Canadian Rockies, and Tetons.
Alpine climbs contain a diverse range of fitness demands—mode-specific endurance for uphill hikingunder load, upper, lower and core strength, climbing-specific fitness and proficiency, work capacity for short, intense, events, and stamina for long pushes and long days.
This past spring I designed the “Alpinist Fitness Assessment” (AFA)as a way to measure these fitness attributes in one setting.
As originally designed, the AFA takes 3.5 to5 hours to complete.
Below is a shorter version, which can be completed by most athletes in 2 hours. And in case you’re interested in trying the full version, I'veincluded that below as well.
Required Equipment:
- Measured 25-meter area for shuttles
- Pull up Bar
- Dip Station
- 17-inchbox or step for step ups
- 18-kilogrampack for step ups
- GPS watch for measuring distance and time, and or a known 5-kilometerrunning course and stopwatch to time final run
Alpinist Fitness Assessment,Short Version
Warm Up:
- 3 Rounds
- 25x Step ups (unloaded)
- 10x Push ups
- 3/5x Pull ups
- 10x Situps
- Instep Stretch
- Lat + Pec Stretch
- Max Rep Bodyweight Bar Dips:Bodyweight bar dips test upper body pushing strength. Rest 3 minutes.
- : using a 17-inchbox and a40-pound pack, for total reps (as many as possible in the time-frame). These willtest lower body strength, and uphill hiking fitness and endurance.Rest 5 minutes.
- :Bodyweight pull-ups test upper pulling strength.Rest 3 minutes.
- :A test of anaerobic power.Rest 10 minutes.
- :30-minute time limit, top fiveroutes count toward your score. A test of climbing proficiency and fitness.Rest10 to15 minutes.
- Run 5 Kilometers for Time:This will make you finishwith a test of your aerobic base, endurance, stamina and mental fitness.
How to Score:
- Step Ups (30 points possible)
Total Reps Score
550+ 30
525-550 27
500-524 24
475-499 21
450-474 18
425-449 15
400-424 12
375-399 9
350-374 6
325-349 3
300-324 0
- Dips – Each rep counts as .5 point
- Pull-Ups – Each rep counts as .5 point
- 300m Shuttle
Finish Time (sec) Score
< 60 30
60.1-62 27
62.1-64 24
64.1-66 21
66.1-68 18
68.0-70 15
70.1-72 12
72.1-74 9
74.1-76 6
76.1-78 3
78+ 0
- Bouldering V-Sum:After a 5 minute traversewarm up, you have 30 minutes to attain as many V-Sum points as possible. Climb at least 5x bouldering routes, and only the top 5 routes count toward the score. For example, an athletes climbs the follow-ing routes in the 30 minute time limit:
V3His V-Sum would be the sum of the V-score for the top 5 routes he climbed: V4+V4+V4+V3+V3 = Final V-Sum of 18.
- Run 5 Kilometers for Time (30 points possible)
Finish Time(hr:min:sec) Score
< 18:38 30
20:11-18:38 27
21:44-20:12 24
23:18-21:45 21
24:51-23:19 18
26:24-24:52 15
27:57-26:25 12
29:30-27:58 9
31:04-29:31 6
31:04+ 0
Here’s an example of how to score the assessment:
Dips:15 reps= 7.5 points
Step-ups:455 reps = 18 points
Pull-ups:21 reps= 10.5 points
300m shuttle: 65 sec = 21 points
Bouldering V-sum:11= 11 points
5 km run finish time: 23:22= 18 points
Total= 86 Points
Scoring Standards:
For Male Athletes
60 is a poor score
95 is a good score
130 is a great score
For Female Athletes
40 is a poor score
70 is a good score
100 is great score
Alpinist Fitness Assessment,Long Version
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
25x Step ups (unloaded)
10x Push ups
3/5x Pull ups
10x Situps
Instep Stretch
Lat + Pec Stretch
- Max Rep Bodyweight Bar Dips:Rest 3 minutes.
- 40 Minute Step Ups with 40-pound packfor total reps. Rest 10 minutes.
- Max Rep Bodyweight Pull ups: Rest 3 minutes.
- 300 Meter Shuttle, for Time:(12x 25m).Rest 10 minutes.
- Bouldering V-Sum:Rest 10 to15 minutes.
- Run 15 Kilometers for Time
How to Score:
- Step Ups (30 points possible)
Total Reps Score
1100+ 30
1050-1099 27
1000-1049 24
950-999 21
900-949 18
850-899 15
800-849 12
750-799 9
790-749 6
650-699 3
600-649 0
- Dips – Each rep counts as .5 point
- Pull ups – Each rep counts as .5 point
- 300m Shuttle
Finish Time (sec) Score
< 60 30
60.1-62 27
62.1-64 24
64.1-66 21
66.1-68 18
68.0-70 15
70.1-72 12
72.1-74 9
74.1-76 6
76.1-78 3
78+ 0
- Bouldering V-Sum () Final score = points
- Run 15 Kilometers for Time (30 points possible)
Finish Time(hr:min:sec) Score
< 1:05:00 30
1:05:01-1:08:00 27
1:08:01-1:11:00 24
1:11:01-1:14:00 21
1:14:01-1:17:00 18
1:18:01-1:21:00 15
1:21:01-1:24:00 12
1:24:01-1:27:00 9
1:27:01-1:30:00 6
1:30:01-1:33:00 3
1:33:01 + 0
Scoring Standards:
For Male Athletes
70 is a poor score
105 is a good score
140 is a great score
For Female Athletes
50 is a poor score
80 is a good score
110 is great score