



What was once spontaneous consumption has turned into a science of its own


Thanks to a shrewd food marketing industry and slick packaging schemes, we're overpaying for products that make major health claims with little real nutritional payoff


Keto, paleo, vegan, and more—we've got you covered. A few key adjustments to these basic nutrition programs ensure you can tackle heavy-effort loads and still fuel the way you want.


Make the most of your smoothies


Climbers, cyclists, runners, and all kinds of other athletes—both men and women—are starting to speak out about disordered eating in their communities


Quinoa, bananas, and peanut butter are recurring characters, but add a little more flavor (and nutrition) to the plot by tossing in these surprising purchases


Plain old spuds are the original superfood. We should all be eating more of them.


Growing research debunks the myth that the paleo movement replicates the diet of our ancestors. Here's what they were actually eating.


How to best fuel your body based on where you live


ϳԹ staffers on which flavors they'd pack for their races and which they'd rather leave behind


Fuel up between meals with these healthy options


There's a flipside to dehydration that kills athletes and otherwise healthy people every year. And it's on the rise.

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A new cookbook explains how to feed your hungry family or a group of marathoners without calorie-dense meats


More women in the running community are beginning to speak out about amenorrhea


Get the most out of your workouts with these energy sources


Where healthy-eating pros turn for inspiration, education, and great recipes


Among other things: potatoes are the shit, junk food is OK, and everything you know about serving sizes is wrong

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It won't solve all your health problems, but it might make your life a bit better

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Some athletes and trainers claim the structural protein helps stave off injuries like ACL tears. Don't listen to them.


There's no magic potion, but if you perfectly pair your sports drink with your workout, you can boost your performance and recover more quickly


This salty snack has taken center stage as a healthy, protein-laden endurance fuel


To visualize what the most popular diets in America really look like, we built our own pyramids. Here's what a day on the fat-first ketogenic diet should look like.


Watch to learn the basics of of this new nutrition trend before trying out the fat-fueled keto diet.

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Take the guesswork out of the supermarket's most crowded aisle


To visualize what the most popular diets in America really look like, we built our own pyramids. Here's what a day eating paleo should look like.


The Paleo Diet, which consists of eating only what our distant ancestors might have eaten, has become one of the most popular nutrition trends over the past 10 years.

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Kick the store-bought options to the curb and go with this DIY formula for delicious, all-day energy


We asked four pros how they fuel for race day. We learned not to fear the beer and that sweet potato popsicles are the bomb.


The record attempt will depend as much on the runners' food and hydration strategies as their speed and stamina


It doesn't have to be all kale salads and quinoa


Rather than gobbling up protein from anywhere, pay close attention to how you're eating this nutrient


When used correctly, it plays a crucial part in an athlete’s diet. Follow these guidelines to stay on track.


There's something crucial missing from your race-day training, and it has nothing to do with mileage, time, or intervals


Don't sabotage your nutrition efforts with shady supermarket products masquerading as health food. Here's how to avoid the worst offenders.


Your next recovery meal comes in a bowl of power ramen


Frosting! Cookies! Peanut butter! It's all fair game during long days of racing.


Your gels and powders and loaded with sugar, which doesn't have to be a bad thing. Here are the sugars to avoid and the ones that are OK.


Two new books break down how sugar is killing us—and who is to blame


One of the leading labs in health and food science is under fire for shoddy research. The implications for the science community and journalists who report on the field are vast. But how much does the research matter for the average person?


Proposed legislation wants to ban the word 'milk' for anything but dairy products, which got us thinking: what actually is milk?


It seems like once a week there's a new study pointing to the potential health properties of beer. We decided to investigate.


There's a ton of misinformation about how much to hydrate and when, but the basics are actually pretty simple. Here's what you need to know.


Give your liver a break and you may gain a performance advantage, too


The healthiest items to order when you’re stuck with nothing but McDonalds or Wendy's


South African physician Tim Noakes, one of the world’s greatest sports scientists, has been preaching an ultra-low-carb, high-fat diet as the key to fitness and health. His ideas have made him a bestselling guru, but now his critics are pushing back—and as Bill Gifford reports, they’re putting his theories on trial.


Over-the-counter tests promise to cure your food-related ailments, but some question whether they work, and others warn they might do more harm than good. I decided to give one a shot to find out.


Our three-point proposal can keep you fit through the stuff-your-face months


New research suggests that not everyone should be eating the same foods. In fact, some athletes might benefit from these doughnuts.


Some athletes swear by a once-a-week indulgence. Are they right?


Here’s what it takes to fuel someone who’s running over 70 miles a day for 42 days


It seems like everything in the grocery store is labeled "super." We dove into which foods are actually proven, by science, to be good for you and which ones are all hype.


Performance snacks get a natural makeover. (AlpineAire) AlpineAire Guacamole Thanks to the geniuses at Alpine-Aire, guac is no longer a luxury reserved for glamping with a well-stocked cooler—it’s a trail-ready hors d’oeuvre you’ve earned after hiking miles in the backcountry. Just add water to the 1.4-ounce package, filled with freeze-dried avocado, onion, and serrano…


How endurance athlete Patrick Sweeney puts away nearly 3,000 calories a day on the ketone diet


The diet has quietly become the rage among ultra-endurance athletes and elite soldiers, and it's a surprisingly yummy way to fuel up.


A new generation of natural protein powders build muscle and aid recovery the clean way


A growing number of ­scientists, athletes, and even a retired general believe that ­fasting leads to better health. Should you listen?


This staple of dirtbags and endurance athletes gets a lot of love—and a lot of hate. Here’s why it just may be the most polarizing breakfast food.


New research calls beet juice’s magic powers into question—at least for certain athletes


It's all about experience, eating slow, and going beyond the comfort food


A new book examines sex-specific fueling, the role of female hormones in performance, and why you're probably not eating enough carbs


Plus, Lance Armstrong’s favorite on-the-bike snack


What riders eat to make it through the world’s toughest bike race


How has eating changed at the world’s biggest bike race? We made it our mission to find out.


Products to keep your core temperature down and your performance up


And why they’re more susceptible to diet trends


Is it time for a hydration upgrade?

Sponsor Content: HOTSHOT

It sounds too good to be a true, but a Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist just developed a new product, HOTSHOT™, the first-ever scientifically proven sports shot to prevent and treat muscle cramps. Here's everything you need to know about 1.7 oz of Neuro Muscular Performance.


Snacks to keep the engine running all day.


What Mike Horn will eat when he walks to both poles


Stay fueled without feeling stuffed with one of these quick-and-easy options

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A runner cannot exist on sports drinks alone. Here's how to refuel on your toughest runs.


There's more to life than drinking smoothies after every run. Here are 10 great options to help you rebuild after tough workouts.


Why Aussie athletes often turn to supplements when living high


More is not always better


With some smart strategizing, you can make seven healthy dinners a week without missing a single workout


The secret to a healthy diet that endures? Find your tribe.

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We've finally got the data


Here’s your cheat sheet for stoking the furnace during winter workouts

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