If you’re like most good hosts, you’ve probably struggled with the question of how to feed an army of starving barbarians. Read: backpackers returning from a multi-day trip. Behold, the Yoder Smokers .
Roll up with this giant three-ton grilling machine hooked to your rig and you are sure to attract some hungry crowds. With over 2,000 square inches of cooking surface spread between three 23.5-x-29.5-inch grates, it’s big enough to spit a pig. Those who find themselves needing even more meat can add optional second-level grates for an added 1,250 square inches. For $300 more, you get an insulated firebox that boosts temperature control.
The Yoder Smokers Frontiersman Competition Smoker is a wood-fed grill that comes in three base colors: orange, black, or silver. Should you need a camo pattern to blur its silhouette, the company also does custom paint jobs. They may not be able to see you, but they’ll sure smell you coming.