In case you couldn't watch the X Games live in Los Angeles last weekend, here are the 10 must-see tricks and tumbles you missed:
10. Canadian follows up his win over in Skateboard Vert with a to take gold in Vert Best Trick–his third straight X Games vert gold medal.
9. takes home the BMX Vert gold medal.
8. comes back for his second consecutive Big Air gold soaring 21-feet, eight-inches above the ground on his skateboard.
7. wins the first ever SupperRally event.
6. clears the bar to nab gold in the Moto X Step Up.
5. Twenty-year old MTV reality star, , wins the skateboarding street competition.
4. Australian slams hard into the ground during the BMX Vert competition.
3. launches his bike backwards in the air to win FMX Best Whip gold.
2. lands a double back flip for Freestyle Moto X gold.
1. Best comeback ever! Australian nails the trick that put him in a coma for seven days last year: the double back flip. Here's your Freestyle Moto X Best Trick gold medalist:
–Erin Beresini