Holiday gift ideas, surfing killer whales, flying versus driving, the best and worst of outdoor sports, and, of course, anti-matter. Here's what you need to click on this week.
Why I Want a Wingsuit for Christmas (Don't Blink):
Thanks to the and
Funny 'Cause It's True
So … A Koala Walks Into a Bar in Queensland. Seriously. ()
Worst Miss Ever?
The Jet Set…
Jet Lag May Cause Stupidity ()
…Better off Driving?
Can Red Bull Fuel Better Driving? ()
Feeling Just Spine
Caught My First Tube Today
New Zealand's Killer Whales Ride Killer Waves ()
It Can Happen to The Best of Us
What's The Anti-Matter With You?
CERN Makes and Traps Anti-Matter, Mystery of Science ()
–Michael Webster