
Urban Running.

The New Rules of Wellness

Forget the fancy wearables and complicated training plans. We're going back to the basics on fueling, movement, and recovery. 


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The key to a good diet is flexibility

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Sure, it's old fashioned. But it's also nutritional rocket fuel, and athletes are making it taste great. Here's how.

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Old-school diets may have fallen out of favor, but diet messaging is still everywhere. Intuitive eating promises to help you drown it out.

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A guide to help you wade through the misinformation and buy just what you need


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Habits and tips to help you get through anything

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Many of us have long dismissed this gentle, approachable activity for more adrenaline-pumping forms of exercise. We've been missing out—big-time.


If you're cooped up indoors and looking to move your body, try one of these routines


Flowing through a simple set of movements can help calm your nervous system down


Sitting all day wreaks havoc on the body. Here's how to reset and recenter.


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Fatigue, writes our columnist, comes in two very different flavors, and fixing each requires a completely different approach

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Or why you don't have to get up at 4 A.M. to perform a two-hour ritual of self-care


Trying to improve your sleep quality? Get back to nature.