

During a spontaneous jungle trek, the athlete had a wild idea: she would become the team yoga instructor for the New Orleans Saints


After watching Free Solo, the social worker knew he wanted to try climbing. Only his own doubts stood in his way.


The Army veteran found a way to give back in retirement, through his love of dogs


The nonprofit leader learned that the best way to handle an environmental crisis is to trust that your community will move forward together


During his first wilderness job, a chance encounter with a bear left the wildlife biologist with a profound respect for nature that has endured ever since


On an epic mountain-biking adventure, the Outward Bound instructor found belonging on remote trails


The dog trainer developed disordered-eating habits in college. Sitting under the stars brought her back into her body.


When the mixed media artist feels alone, theres one place that always offers her the comfort and support she needs: the wilderness


The marine biologist and mother was struggling to find time to nourish herself. Then she found a community of wave-riding moms.

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A traumatic childhood experience left the journalist deathly afraid of the water. But by drawing on the resilience of her ancestors, she found the courage to dive in.


At five feet tall, she was the smallest wildland firefighter in her crew and worried she couldnt keep up. But on her very first blaze, she discovered her strength.


The hairstylist had abandoned religion as a teen. Then a profound experience in a forest in the Middle East set her on the path to be a chaplain.


When the young athlete was given the chance to lead her outrigger canoe team at the state championships, it opened her up to taking all kinds of chances


It took a terrifying experience in the ocean for the educator to embrace the idea that going for it isnt always the right choice

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At a dark moment in his childhood, the actor found belonging when he buried himself beneath the snow

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