

Two pro skiers die in unrelated incidents

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Carlos Burle rides estimated 100-foot wave

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Historic tandem jumps from 32,000 feet

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Show kicks off this weekend

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First time in historic location

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Charges of hooliganism remain

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Government shutdown delayed search

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Study found serious failures

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Project aims to illustrate low-impact living

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Police deciding whether to prosecute

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Scientist study 1.8-million-year-old skull

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In case you were wondering

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Red Bull releases new footage

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Canadian man has visited more than 190 countries

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All-in-one pedal assist bike wheel

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Group was exploring off-limits area

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Advertising life-saving gear

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Alleged lack of testing before 2012 Olympics

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Eats squirrels and algae for food

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Tired of just bad weather closings

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Russia reports 'hard drugs' on seized vessel

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21 people tagged during shutdown

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Escapes with 30 stitches

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Vessel and crew seized in protest

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Hoping to become profitable

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Five men in good condition

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Searching the Balandkiik River

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Small changes, big improvements

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Will allow astronauts to manufacture tools

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